At the recent LifeSource Natural Foods 30th Anniversary food fair, we held a people's choice competition for our best-tasting cherry tomato in our heirloom mix varieties. Chocolate Sprinkles won hands down over our other varieties of Sungold, Pink Bumblebee, Black Strawberry, Yellow Pear, Indigo, and Purple Bumblebee. The consensus enjoyed the firm texture, sweetness, and unique flavor. I think I pick up a slight taste of chocolate, but my wife says that I have cherry tomatoes on the brain.

You can buy pints of the people's favorite Chocolate Sprinkles Cherry Tomato right now at LifeSource Natural Foods as well as our usual mixed varieties. Supplies won't last long, as winter is coming!
The winner of the drawing for the farm tour, and selection of in-season veggies goes to Cemile Wilson!
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